Sentiment Indicators

We’re excited to announce the latest addition to Patterns ID: Sentiment Indicators. This new feature leverages sentiment data from the news for individual tickers to provide valuable insights for both stocks and cryptocurrencies.

How It Works

Sentiment indicators analyze news sentiment over varying timeframes (daily, 5-day, 20-day, and 60-day periods) and compares current sentiment with similar historical patterns. By looking at past sentiment and the returns that followed, traders can identify trends and better predict potential price movements.

Where You’ll Find Sentiment Indicators

  • Top Picks Page: Sentiment data is now displayed for each stock and cryptocurrency, providing a quick snapshot of how news sentiment has influenced the market.
  • Ticker Overview: Drill down into any ticker to see how sentiment has changed over time and its correlation with price movements.

Why It Matters

Sentiment data adds a new layer of analysis to your trading strategy. By understanding how news sentiment affects price trends, you can make more informed decisions and anticipate potential market movements.

This is just the beginning, and we’re excited to continue building powerful tools to help you stay ahead in the market!